CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Intel Drone Light Show and Intel True View Technology Enhance Pepsi Super Bowl LIII Halftime Show and Super Bowl LIII Viewing Experience

Intel Newsroom: Today during the Super Bowl, Intel Corporation partnered with the NFL* to create the first-ever live drone light show during a Super Bowl Halftime Show. Intel and the NFL will also make advanced Intel® True View™ highlights available for fans to relive the most exciting moments of the biggest game of the year.

1 comment:

Lenora G said...

The fact that we've already reached a point with technology that this isn't even that impressive anymore is astonishing to me. We're in a time in the world where we're constantly pushing the boundaries, and after a year or two, we're ready for the next technology. I think part of the disappointment with this year's Superbowl Halftime Show is the fact that this show was overall much less impressive than the previous year, because this time the technology wasn't new. Every halftime show has featured new and impressive technology that is different from the year before. Perhaps because of the previous precedent, and the fact that this show was put on with a shorter timeline than previous years, but this show was a much lower quality than the year before, and everyone noticed. I think the drones are awesome, but they’re no longer something new and exciting, and people are already starting to get bored. That says a lot about our society and the instant gratification nature of the world now. It’s continually pushing the boundaries of what we can do with technology, which is good and bad.