CMU School of Drama

Monday, April 01, 2024

'The Price Is Right' Has Plan For Contestant Who Pee Themselves The Price is Right tends to feature some of the most enthusiastic contestants you’ll ever encounter on a game show, and the program apparently has a plan in place if anyone gets excited to the point where they pee their pants.


Marion Mongello said...

This article was a reminder as to why I love entertainment management. What other industry is it someone’s job to prepare arrangements for game show contestants overwhelming enthusiasm resulting in literally peeing their pants with excitement? I will say- I think that’s a little excessive, but hey I have never been in the scenario where I’ve been selected to potentially win a lot of money on live television; so I shouldn’t judge. It makes me wonder who’s specific job responsibilities on a team like this include “pee-pee-handler” or something. Or, when more serious things happen on set, like someone dislocating their shoulder, what happens in that scenario. I imagine they would have to stop the show, but who knows. This makes me want to dabble in game show management now (I never thought about it before reading this.) It seems like it would be full of surprises!

Jasper Gitlitz said...

The fact that there is a plan in place in case someone pees themselves is simultaneously incredibly funny and incredibly smart. One of the most important parts of putting on a show in my opinion is having contingency plans in case things go wrong. In most cases, especially in traditional theater, this may mean having emergency evacuation plans, plans for if a hold needs to be called, or plans for an alternate set of blocking if there’s a technical difficulty. However, when the show incorporates untrained contestants the way a game show does, these plans get infinitely more complicated as these people are much more unpredictable. The production has to be prepared for a lot more situations including if someone accidentally pees themselves. I can only imagine the preparation that must go into putting on a show like this and how many potential situations the stage management team and backstage crew must be prepared for.

Owen Sheehan said...

It's pretty interesting to read stuff like this since it's always important to remember to have a plan in place for any incident that may happen. For example, when I do radio club stuff on the weekend, I bring backup materials such as extra radios and batteries, not just for me but also for other people in the club. Having a plan in place for an incident that may occur is super important. I think every venue should have emergency procedures in place. Not just for fires for also for things like medical emergencies and audience members who may be experiencing some problems. I also find it really funny that the price is right has a specific plan for if someone pees themselves, it does 100% make sense though.