CMU School of Drama

Thursday, April 25, 2024

At Meyer Sound, Sustainability Starts with Innovative Engineering

Lighting&Sound America Online - News: "Meyer Sound strives to minimize its carbon footprint in every aspect of business, following sustainable manufacturing practices, partnering with sustainability-focused organizations to define and meet environmental goals, and envisioning future products with a green perspective.

1 comment:

Sam Regardie said...

I think that sustainability from companies really needs to be prioritized because they often have much more of an impact than individual humans do. However, I also feel like it is far too easy for companies to say they are being sustainable and making a difference when they are in fact not. Some of the things said in this article made me think that Meyer Sound was actually focusing on becoming sustainable, both other things felt very buzz-wordy and like they were not saying all that much even though a lot of words were used. The word "holistic" was used, which I see thrown around far too much for no good reason. I remember when applying to college every school said they had a "holistic process" for reviewing applications, like it was something special, but its ubiquity made it lose basically all meaning for me. It just seems to be a word that people enjoy throwing around to sound like they're saying something real. Unsure if that is the case here, but it sure could be.