CMU School of Drama

Thursday, April 06, 2023

Theater, A Major Job Sector

The Theatre Times: That AI is poised to take over countless jobs, wipe out entire job sectors, is all over the news these days. Concerns about how displaced workers will support themselves tend to be met with one- or two-liners like: yes, AI is going to take over a lot of jobs, but many new jobs will be created. The new jobs will be better, allowing workers to do more challenging and important work than they are doing in their current (soon to be lost) jobs.


Ava Notarangelo said...

This concept is definitely one that's frightened me for a pretty long time now, especially since I feel like i’m entering the industry during a really big transition time. I'm still not sure if I want to pursue design or if I just want to work on the execution of Productions ( not exactly sure if I worded that correctly), but either way I think that AI would be something that I should be somewhat worried about. I think the fact that theatrical Productions are able to put on entirely by human force is something really special and I hope that AI doesn't entirely take over, but I also understand that it can help with budgeting and time management and lessening the amount of people that are needed on each production, which for a production company could probably monumentally help. Part of me thinks that this is a really awesome great leap for the future, but the other part of me kind of hopes that theater still gets to be this amazing special thing that humans get to put on.

Anonymous said...

I have never thought about the idea of an AI job take over as a good thing, but creating a shorter work week and more time for people to involve themselves in creative practices would definitely be a perk. I love the idea of having free unlimited access to theater workshops for everyone because evidently I love this art form and think it is a great way to connect people. I also like the idea that asking people to involve themselves in the arts. After machines, take over most jobs would be something society would consider, because I do worry that the arts will die out or lose nuance, if machines take over those jobs. However, I do worry about the machine/AI take over because I don’t think that the machines will have a delicacy and emotions necessary to do the right thing at all times. Lots of rules are worth breaking.

B Hanser said...

posted by B Hanser