CMU School of Drama

Friday, April 07, 2023

Hiring With Intention

Remodeling: Until you stop running your company, you will be looking for employees. And if you're intent on doing it well, every hire takes very deliberate intention and planning.

1 comment:

Ava Notarangelo said...

When I read this article, I immediately thought about working in group projects. Specifically, I thought about working in group projects with friends and my experience with doing set thing. Honestly, I've always had a pretty good time working with my friends, and I'm not sure if it's just because I'm a good leader, or delegator, or just because I happened to pick friends who are easy to work with, but I've honestly never had an issue ( or at least one I can think of, if there was one, it probably didn't have as big and effect as any other issues may have had), working with my best friends. when I was in high school working in the tech booth, both the students in grades above me, as well as the students in the grades below me that I worked on shows with ended up being some of my closest friends so I still talk to you today ( and not just because of theater, we were best friends before we even started working on shows together, but theater ended up bringing us closer together).