CMU School of Drama

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Billy McFarland Says Fyre Festival II 'Finally Happening' Billy McFarland, the creator behind the failed Fyre Festival, is floating the idea of a possible follow-up. "Fyre Festival II is finally happening," McFarland tweeted on Sunday. He also asked Twitter users to let him know why they deserved an invite.

1 comment:

Sophie Rodriguez said...

I kind of doubt this. The first attempt went so horribly wrong that I’m just not sure they can recover enough from it for the next one to succeed. I feel like hardly anybody would purchase tickets or passes to the festival, and the ones that do will likely be those going for the spectacle or expected failures… I just do not see it going well. I also had no idea that he was released only a year ago, it feels like the timeline isn’t right for this either.. However, part of me would be so interested in seeing this festival actually come to life and be brought to life with ethical working standards for all festival employees – whether that is hospitality, production, transportation – everyone. That would be a huge plot twist, if he did Fyre Festival II, and did a great job for everyone involved. The idea is cool, a luxury music festival would be interesting as other festivals have evolved a LOT since the first attempted Fyre Festival occurred.