CMU School of Drama

Friday, April 21, 2023

At Dallas Theater Center, Layoffs and Cutbacks and Cancellations

AMERICAN THEATRE: When the Dallas Theater Center opened Into the Woods earlier this month, the tension backstage could only be described as agonizing. Just days earlier, 37 staff members, including the entire acting company, were informed that they would be laid off following the company’s gala in mid-May.

1 comment:

Abby Brunner said...

More recently we have been hearing, and reading about theatres that are at risk of closing or are constantly losing money. Without the pandemic I think the fact that nonprofit theatres are at risk would have been overlooked. Even though we are back to a semblance of “normal” in the theatre community, there are still lasting effects on how to get audiences to come back, stay engaged and give money and support to the theatre. It is heartbreaking to hear that the Dallas Theatre Center laid off a lot of their workers, and it is surprising to me that they decided to do it 4 days before opening night. Performing and creating a show, especially the days leading up to opening night are some of the most stressful, so for the company to also receive their 2 weeks notice, must have been overwhelming. I am reminded by this article how fragile our industry is and how as a manager, designer and technician I will rely on those people around me who are generous enough to continue to support the art form and the people who create that art form.