CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, April 04, 2023

5 Reasons Not to Miss the 2023 LightFair Conference

LightFair Blog: For 32+ years, the LightFair Conference has been setting the standard in Continuing Education for the lighting design and allied industries. This year, with 100+ sessions across 5 tracks, the conference continues to raise the bar for lighting professionals serious about investing in their own future and the future of lighting.

1 comment:

Abby Brunner said...

Lightfair seems like an interesting conference for those who are interested in all things Lighting. I knew of the IALD conference I believe, which is the one CMU goes to every year, but I’ve never heard of LightFair. It is incredible that they provide nearly 200 handpicked speakers to talk at the conference to learn more about lighting and the top line artists and engineers in the industry. I also found it fascinating that they have an educational program that is curated by the Illuminating Engineering Society and IALD to fill the gaps in continuing lighting education. I am surprised that there are gaps, here at CMU the basic stagecraft lighting class covers a lot of topics, but I’d assume with the industry constantly changing for the better there are new elements and things to learn every day. This conference seems like a very informative and fun one if you are interested in lighting design and engineering. It also seems like the best place to network and finds new jobs, which I think all technicians should keep in mind during their careers.