CMU School of Drama

Friday, November 18, 2022

U.K. Government Considers Merging, Updating Film and TV Tax Reliefs

Variety: The British government has launched a consultation into U.K. film and TV tax reliefs. The proposals in the consultation aim to “simplify and modernize the reliefs, boost growth in the sectors and ensure the reliefs remain sustainable,” according to the consultation summary.

1 comment:

Cyril Neff said...

I always find the discussion of government in the arts to be a complex one; without the government, there would be no patents or other legislation necessary to protect the creative rights of artists across different mediums. I do find it beneficial that the UK Government is deciding to revisit their Tax Relief programs, and actively adjust its numbers to more actively reflect the modern film industry and its high-budget assets. There is absolutely a cause for raising the tax relief rates when considering the inflation rates that have hit various industries since the COVID-19 pandemic. Production in general has come to be a very pricy industry, and with the hundreds of thousands of jobs within the entertainment industry as a whole, making sure they are properly represented in government legislation is almost mandatory. There is always a need for ethical workplace practices, and by reevaluating the taxation relief for film and tv, the UK Government is getting one step closer to creating a better environment for creative work in their society.