CMU School of Drama

Monday, November 07, 2022

Claypaky Mythos 2 fixtures celebrate retailer in Kuala Lumpur Lighting Designer Michael Chan of Singapore-based Lighting Insomnia designed the lights and lasers for the event using 120 Claypaky Mythos 2 fixtures mounted the 6th Floor of Suria KLCC (the rooftop), which is connected to the Twin Towers on both sides.

1 comment:

James Gallo said...

I feel like Claypaky has created so many fixtures that are iconic pieces of large lighting designs. I hear this more than a lot of other companies. Constantly I hear, “300 Mythos” or “150 Unicos.” It could just be talked about way more than other companies, but this is always something that I hear. Sharpy fixtures made by Claypaky are everywhere, as well. Claypaky has really mastered excellent spot fixtures that are bright and punchy and create excellent beams for aerial effects. The fact that this light show was 500 feet away from the audience is extremely impressive that the Mythos was able to still be bright enough for them to see and enjoy. I haven’t had the chance to work with one of these specific fixtures yet, but I hope to be able to soon. I hope to see a lot of these fixtures that I write about next week at LDI.