CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, November 02, 2022

All you need to know to rock opera

Arts & Entertainment | Before he died, my father gave me his list of the 10 operas I really have to see in my lifetime. But unless attending “Rent” 147 times (or so it seems) counts as a substitute for “La Bohème,” I still have, well, 10 operas I really have to see in my lifetime.

1 comment:

Monica Tran said...

I don’t know, isn’t it everyone’s fantasy to go to a rock concert that never ends? Isn’t it cool that we’ve somehow combined two of the longest forms of musical entertainment (rock concerts and classical operas) and made one big ol fun time! Ask ANYONE if they did not enjoy Tommy and if they say no, they’re lying to you. It’s just fun to jam out and know every word to a rock song while also having a story to connect to and enjoy with the music. It’s just so much more and intense than anything that Sondheim could play out on a piano. I don’t know that may be the wrong hot take I just had, but I love a good rock opera. And then you come out of a show knowing a bands whole entire discography and it’s great! What more could you ask for from rock opera?