CMU School of Drama

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Influential dance company bred culture of sex, silence, dancers say

CANVAS Arts: Every year, one of the world’s leading dance competition companies sells the dream of Hollywood fame to hundreds of thousands of ambitious young dancers hoping to launch careers on television, in movies and on stage.

1 comment:

Hadley said...

Wow. This is a very long article about some very bad things. I didn't even get to the end of it because I was so disgusted but the seer amount of allegations that were featured in the first half. And it seemed alike all of the sorties of allegations ended with the same line: the perpetrator was not able to be reached for comment and had never addressed the allegations. It is absolutely horrible. Dance is a toxic industry for many reasons. The addition of a world wide company employing dozens of seemingly professional instructors who are in reality going after inappropriate and damaging relationships with their students is absolutely unacceptable. I really hope that there are more articles like this that will bring to light these horrible people and that they are pushed out of the industry so that it begins to become safe for young people just looking to make a living dancing.