CMU School of Drama

Friday, September 17, 2021

Tanos Systainer Customization Makes a Statement

Pro Tool Reviews: There are a lot of Tanos Systainer options available (52 different ones!) and it’s a lot of fun to work out the best combination to meet your needs. But did you know there are ways you can take it further with Tanos Systainer customization?

1 comment:

Jess Williams said...

This article is not serious or revolutionary but it is just plain old fun. While reading through the customization information I couldn’t help picturing a systainer completely covered in stickers like a waterbottle or the back of a laptop. The great thing is that there is still practicality even in the fun design choices. What a great way to tell your systainers apart both depending on contents as well as from other people’s if you are working on a big production. The customization option on the inside is also pretty interesting and makes a lot of sense. There is such a diverse array of tools that are stored inside of these containers that it only makes sense that there would be different internal storage systems to accommodate them. While I know that I will not be getting any team’s colors, I am not invested in sport, I can imagine the subtle customization that would really make it feel like my own, especially with any kind of logo that might be in the future.