CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, November 07, 2017

How 'Thor: Ragnarok' for Marvel got the rights to a Led Zeppelin song

Business Insider: The latest Marvel movie, "Thor: Ragnarok," isn't just one of the most fun movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe; it also features one of the most memorable rock songs ever created.

If you've seen the movie, you already know what we're referring to. "Immigrant Song," the classic from Led Zeppelin's "Led Zeppelin III" album, is prominently featured in two fight sequences in the movie. The song's inclusion was a long time coming for director Taika Waititi and the Marvel executives.

1 comment:

JinAh Lee said...

The music did bring the fights several notches up and added energy to the scene. The movie as a whole was also a great one to go see when there is a mountain of responsibilities over your shoulder because it does not cost too much emotions or thoughts at all. Having said that about the movie, this article brings up many questions. How much money do they mean when they say it's offered straight up and how deep is a 'deep pocket' of Disney and Marvel? It amazed me to see many marvel characters appearing in the movie as well. It also makes me curious about budget in film in general. How much percentage of the entire budget goes to the production staff, versus the cast versus the intellectual rights? Also, knowing that theaters tend to purchase a license that covers bulk of music, I am curious as to how movies work in terms of using/buying the rights to use the music. And finally, why is it so difficult to use Led Zeppelin's music in any kind of music? What is the reasoning behind not giving out the rights? These are all very interesting topics that I would like to follow up on.