CMU School of Drama

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Leading theme park designer implicated in Hollywood abuse scandal The abuse scandals that have rocked Hollywood and the entertainment business over the past several weeks have now come to the themed entertainment industry, according to a news report.


Kat Landry said...

Well, this is interesting. I met Gary two years ago at a summer Halloween event in LA. While he was perfectly kind, he did seem to talk only of himself and his accomplishments. It seems this article echoes his attitude. I'm not sure why every sexual assault allegation article needs to give the man's resume first. I can appreciate having a little bit of context, but I don't need to know every attraction the man has ever designed to understand that someone is accusing him of something terrible. I also found it very interesting that despite his outright denial, he has shut down his website and all of his social media accounts. If someone is simply spreading lies about you, why would you shut down your entire professional persona? Though the project-listing was annoying, Gary is a very well-known figurehead of the industry. For him to disappear off the grid due to a "fake accusation" is nothing short of suspicious.

Unknown said...

This specific article does a poor job of calling out all industries for allowing sexual abuse to continue, and this specific article does a great job of highlighting all of Gary Goddard's accomplishments in the theme park business. Technically, this is connected to Hollywood through Universal studios, but still, I am disappointed with the information offered about Goddard's not-so-redeeming qualities. It doesn't tell much beyond the movie he directed and the company he created. Why? Probably because it was written to bring forward this event, but tell very little about it. It almost appears as though the author of this article wanted Goddard to be put in a good light so that people will forget he was accused of molesting a teenager. All that being said, if this article had been written by a woman, I think it would have offered more pertinent information instead of enshrining a sexual perpetrator.