CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Important Aspects To Consider When Investing In A New Loudspeaker System

ProSoundWeb: Your inventory is tired and may be outdated. The new technologies are genuinely impressive. Better yet, manufacturers are chomping at the bit to get you into a new system. You’re in the catbird seat (thank you, Red Barber), but there’s a lot to consider. So get a cup of coffee, and walk through this with me. If you’re in the middle of a deal, or even if your new system was just delivered, it’s not too late to consider much of this as well.

1 comment:

Owen Sheehan said...

Reading this gave me a perspective that I'm not usually privy to. That is, the perspective of system management for a venue, I almost never think about what I need or what is in a venue as I usually work as a mix engineer and therefor just come in and start working on the board without having to think about the engineering as much. This isn't always the case as for some venues I've worked at, I have been a system engineer for them, however the budget was far too small to invest in things that weren't vital or replacing something that had just died. I would love to eventually get more involved in some kind of system engineering because the little I have done has been quite fun and interesting, however this isn't something that I would specifically seek out. Instead, I'd be ok with doing it if I had to do it as part of a different job.