CMU School of Drama

Monday, April 08, 2024

An Atlas of Es Devlin centers work of the British set designer The studio visit is one of the perks of being a museum curator. It’s an opportunity to see what’s preoccupying an artist—the books they’re reading, the problems they’re sketching out, the odds and ends that they’ve picked up. It offers a less-polished view into how a creative figure thinks, with the false starts and dead ends the public never sees displayed alongside recognizable successes.

1 comment:

John E said...

This is such a cool book! I have been fortunate enough to be able to flip through one of these books or “Atlas’s” and it is just simply stunning. Words can not truly express the sheer power in the images and sketches inside. It so beautifully guides the reader or really viewer through her design process, inspiration, sketches, models, and the final show photographs. It is so fascinating to look at the original research picture collages and then look at the final and try and work backwards attempting to follow her line of thinking and seeing how she got from the beginning to the end because it is truly fascinating. This is just such a cool book and if you ever get the chance or opportunity to look through one Take It without a doubt. It is absolutely worth it! You will learn so much just by looking at a few pictures!