CMU School of Drama

Thursday, March 09, 2023

Benefits of a Full-Time Job in Audio A common question from people starting in the audio industry is, “should I have a full-time job or freelance?” Even veteran professionals may ask themselves that question throughout their careers. It is perfectly normal to want different things during different stages of our lives!

1 comment:

Cyril Neff said...

Audio is a really interesting career choice from a sound education perspective because it is a really adaptive way of taking the audio engineering training you would gain from a sound design education and flips it to fit into a broader field of jobs. I find that one of my favorite things about the sound industry is that you can apply yourself in so many different applications, from doing music, to theatre, to media. It is a really adaptive field, and pursuing a career in it, even just at a local level, can still provide an artist with both a long term or freelance opportunity, which cannot be said of every theatre design area.