CMU School of Drama

Monday, September 13, 2021

this resort is a mega-scale reproduction of planet earth’s moon michael r. henderson & sandra g. matthews had an objective to develop a resort with an authentic, mega-scale reproduction of planet earth’s moon, incorporating the world’s largest sphere. MOON will be licensed in four global locations; asia, mena, europe and north america. the project touches on hospitality, entertainment, education, attractions, the environment, technology, and space tourism. with a focus on architecture, engineering, design, and art, MOON will deliver a contemporary, futuristic, and unique destination resort, encompassing 515,000 square meters of spectacular next-generation leed certified built environment.


Kaylie C. said...

This resort seems like a pretty incredible…maybe even an unattainable feat. In this article I see a lot potential issues with this idea. I can not help but notice that there is no timeline present in this article for when this resort could possibly open. As cool as it would be, I also feel it is a bit of an eyesore. I know it is probably odd to have an opinion on whether something is an eyesore in Las Vegas of all places, but this is being proposed in places other than Las Vegas that do not have the same precedent for large, lavish, and sometimes gaudy buildings. While this resort technically allows more people to get excited about space, I wouldn’t call $500 affordable for a 90 minute experience. Overall, this seems far too good to be true, but I am absolutely on board for any space themed clubs that could come about instead.

Jeremy Pitzer said...

I am absolutely flabbergasted by the scope of this project. There are times that I don’t feel like I’m living in the future compared to people from 1950, but then something like this comes along and I realize that we are fully living in a sci fi epic that would kill a housewife from the 50’s on sight. This moon thing is right up my alley because it's like the Epcot Ball on steroids, and I LOVE the Epcot Ball. I’m a little confused as to how everything will fit in the sphere with a whole concert hall and 400 hotel rooms, but I’m sure it will all work out. The whole space theme, all though cichy, works for me except for the fake windows in the hotel rooms. Those unsettle me to no end. I don’t think I could spend any substantial amount of time in a living space without real windows or real sunlight.

Annika Evens said...

This is so crazy to me, like I am so impressed that they are going to be able to do this and built it and in theory it will be a thing that people can go into. I really do agree with Kaylie that it may be a bit of an eye sore. I don’t necessarily think it is all that ugly, but I do think wherever it goes, it will be the only thing people think of when they think about the skyline of that city. Also $500 for a 90-minute experience seems like a lot of money and this really has the makings to be one of those things that only rich people get to experience. This also seems like a project that would be more than a $5 billion project, but maybe I just think it seems so not real that I can’t imagine any money creating this. But I guess that’s the point, I would be so fascinated to go inside here.

Magnolia Luu said...

While I do find this idea extremely compelling from a it looks like a super cool and intensely fun experience standpoint, I have to echo what was said before for the scale being a bit unsightly and the budget being exorbitant enough that I doubt it would get proper funding. Given that this is a reader submission of a personal idea though, I love it! While I don't think I'd be able to stay inside the ball given the lack of any windows or sunlight I feel like this would be an epically cool way to spend a day trip if this, shall we call it, exhibit, came to the city I lived in. I do think it's funny that the creator considers $500 an accessible and affordable price for a 90 minute moon excursion. But I guess that $5 billion dollar build cost doesn't pay for itself. I do wish that given its space theme there was more of a grounding in science. As the article progressed it became more apparent that its purpose is centered more on the social and relaxation components rather than the physicality of the moon itself but that's to be expected since it's a resort. Overall, would love to see this be a real, touring, experience but sadly it will probably never be.