CMU School of Drama

Friday, September 20, 2013

All My Sons at The Playhouse REP

Theater Reviews + Features | Pittsburgh City Paper: All My Sons was Arthur Miller's first hit show, and with a new Playhouse REP production — directed by Robert Miller (son of Arthur) — you have an opportunity to see how firmly in control Miller was even at this early stage. The 1947 play is one (eventful) day in the life of the Keller family. Papa Joe might or might not have sold defective airplane parts during the war. Missing son Larry might or might not have died flying a bomber. And Chris, the younger son, might or might not discover the truth. (Here's a spoiler ... he does.)

1 comment:

John Way said...

WOW, how interesting, I wonder if Arthur's son would have any incites into how his father wanted the play to be done. I also cant help but wonder if he will reveal more hidden truths about the characters in the play through is direction. In converse, Arthur Miller was a superb writer who made who his characters personalities very apparent through his writing, so I find it hard to believe that just because this directer is his son, that he will have more incite on this "topic" then any other directer of note. I am fascinated to see what the reviews are and how it all goes!!