CMU School of Drama

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Making: Learning by Doing

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September 2013


Unknown said...

From someone who is a kinesthetic learner, Learning by doing is one of the best forms of education out there. Having a student being engaged on multiple levels of interaction and the absorption of knowledge not only increases their capacity of learning. But it also allows for them to receive knowledge through a variety of mediums. This can then help them in retaining and information as well as interacting with it to build upon the knowledge they gain.

Adelaide Zhang said...

This really seems like an amazing initiative. I've worked at a summer camp for young kids in the past, and I definitely remember how much they all loved crafts and hands on projects, and letting them do what they like to is great, but here those things might actually be helpful in the future. Incorporating technology at an early age is pretty vital as well. There's pretty much no reasonably foreseeable future in which a knowledge of technology wouldn't be a hand up. Kids are already incredibly creative as well, and letting them actualize ideas that they have in their heads and explore is an excellent objective.