CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Act Like You're Being Recorded When in the Heat of an Argument When you find yourself in an argument, nothing helps more than keeping your cool. That's easier said than done, of course. Redditor platinum95 suggests you'll have an easier time if you pretend that somebody's recording you.


Camille Rohrlich said...

This. This is so smart. I know that in sudden bursts of anger of frustration I've said some things I that I immediately regretted afterwards. I stop making sense and just get way into the argument, which I probably don't even care much about in the first place. I will definitely try to think of this the next time that I feel myself getting too worked up and incoherent. I guess this idea also works in just about any situation. It's always good to stop and try to view things in an objective way, i.e. from a camera's perspective.

AAKennar said...

I like this piece of advice and it makes a lot of sense. This point is very important in this technology age that we live in currently. Anyone could record you at any time with all of the apps available. So yes for your personal well being and ability to work well with people you should think more before you act. Then to save your chances of becoming president you should watch what you say not matter what.

Jess Bertollo said...

I think the most important thing to keep in mind when you read this article is that you shouldn't let yourself get to that point anyway. If you get so worked out that you're venting angrily, then you shouldn't be doing so in a place or manner where anyone else can hear you. For me, venting is an important part of the de-stressing process, even if the article said it was unhealthy. But it is an activity I do in my car while driving down the highway or in my apartment where no one else can hear me. It's important to know that you need to keep a clear head and deal with the situation at hand, and then let yourself feel the emotions later. It takes a lot of practice and a lot of effort to get to the point of being able to do that, but it has a lot of perks.

Emma Present said...

It's amazing what the power of people's obsession with what others think of them can do. The fundamental aspect of being recorded is for someone else to know what was happening in a moment they were not present for. Even if we record something only for ourselves, there is an ingrained sense that someone is watching, even though it is just a video camera or a microphone, but we automatically begin to act differently. We are more careful, more reserved, we think more before we act because we want to appear put together and we want other people's respect. That is why recording the heat of an argument is such a good idea; it makes us pause to think about what we are saying, if we are justified in our anger and if we are acting with reason. This is a great idea and I will attempt to implement it in my own life, and not just when I am in an angry argument.

Timothy S said...

This article is actually not too far of the truth of the situation. I mean, in today's society you are being record in some form of another more than 80 percent of your life. I am with Camille when she said that I have said things in the heat of an argument and immediately regretted it. I think that if I was being recorded, I would be extremely embarrassed by the things I have said. This is advice I think everyone should take with them.

AnnaAzizzyRosati said...

This is such a smart rule of thumb! Instead of thinking about speaking slowly, making clear statements, and keeping your voice level, a person can just remember this sort of heuristic and know exactly how to act. I'll definitely use this in the future.

TylerJ said...

I like this idea. It's a good way for everyone to be aware of what they are saying and how they are saying things. Everyone is more aware of themselves when there is any recording medium in the room. So if you have a habit of flying off the handle or saying things that you don't mean/will regret, keep yourself aware of what you are saying and hopefully you should tame those bad habits. Also there might be the added bonus of you being more aware of what you were saying so you'll be more aware of the conversation and you'll remember more of what is happening.