CMU School of Drama

Friday, March 06, 2020

Stanford Live cancels events due to coronavirus concerns; other producers take precautions

Datebook: Stanford Live, which produces performances by high-profile artists across a range of disciplines on Stanford University’s campus, has canceled a series of events through April 15, citing a university-wide response to the coronavirus, that is “strongly encouraging” cancellation or postponement of gatherings of 150 people or more.

1 comment:

Reesha A. said...

I think it has only been in the past few weeks that I have realized the impact that corona virus has had on the world as a whole, impacting social, political and economical aspects.
Starting as something based in a one country, the disease has now spread to other parts of the world, which is genuinely speaking very scary to think of, given that travel to and from China has been stopped, in an attempt to basically stop the virus from leaving the country. However, that has not been the case clearly, as more and more cases are being reported elsewhere in the country.
In the light of all of this, it makes sense to makes to me that Stanford took a decision to stop the gathering of more than 150 people in a closed space, in their attempt to stop the spread of the virus to the best of their ability.