CMU School of Drama

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Broadway Is Shuttered but Its Buildings Sing: A Virtual Tour

The New York Times: Weeks ago, back when New Yorkers were starting to shelter at home but it was still kosher to get a little fresh air and take a walk, I invited a few people to suggest modest strolls, one on one, around places meaningful to them. They would guide the tour.

1 comment:

Elena Keogh said...

While I have never lived in New York City for long periods of time, I was incredibly fortunate that I began going in and out of the city at a very young age and getting to know the various streets and buildings. As someone who has spent a fairly large chunk of her life in Manhattan, every time I come back to the city I get the same feeling of excitement like I did when I was 10. Even when I am coming home and have the opportunity to fly over the city, I get butterflies in my stomach. It is the greatest city in the world, and as this author illustrates, its buildings truely speak to you. There is so much incredible history of art in new york, that it is hard not to get captivated walking up and down blocks of theatres, or walking in the park and seeing people painting or singing or dancing. In this time of distress, this idea of virtual walks is so cool to keep people's spirits alive.