CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Canada to Pay 75 Percent of Wages for Entertainment Producers Hit by Pandemic

Hollywood Reporter: The Canadian government's bailout of a virtually idle film and TV production sector is gathering pace.

Ottawa's latest cash drop for content producers impacted by the COVID-19 crisis will see 75 percent of the wages paid by entertainment companies subsidized so they can stay in business. To qualify, locally-owned companies must show their revenues have fallen by at least 30 percent and must keep paying their employees and not lay them off.

1 comment:

Gabe Marchant said...

The crisis that COVID-19 has imposed on the world is truly unprecedented. I have seen many comparisons to the Spanish Flu in 1918 that killed thousands of people and took right around a year to control. I desperately hope that COVID can be controlled in under a year because of the economic turmoil the world is falling into. With this turmoil, millions of people have lost their jobs due to stay at home orders to try and stop the spread of the virus. Entertainment workers have been pleading with the US government to include them in relief packages. This article details Canada’s plan for displaced entertainment workers. While maintaining 75 percent of people's wages still may not cut it to pay all of the bills, it is far better than nothing. I think people are taking entertainment workers for granted and do not realize that without them, we would have no television, movies, or video games to occupy our time while in quarantine.