CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Take your self-isolation to the sewing machine

Community | Chicago Reader: Not only is Illinois facing a shortage of surgical masks and respirators, so is the entire world. Bulk purchases of face masks have left many hospitals without the tools to effectively protect themselves and their patients. Those at the front lines—nurses, doctors, and health care workers—need this protective gear in order to reduce the risk and spread of COVID-19.

1 comment:

Maggie Q said...

After article number five about communities making medical supplies for hospitals and at-risk individuals, I would consider my heart considerably warmed. I wish I had a sewing machine so I could be useful, although I don’t think the stagecraft sewing lessons have turned me into anything near a competent sewer. There was a link on this page that reminded me of the mask movement and I think it may be the next step to individuals working to help in the crisis which is the implementation of victory gardens that were widespread during WWII to help with food supply chain issues. Although we can't grow toilet paper, we can get fresh veggies, and prevent panic buying by having our own supply of food. I think this is the next step past masks, looking more long term. If nothing else it will provide people with something to do outside, even if you don't have a sewing machine.