CMU School of Drama

Monday, March 30, 2020

#93 Quarantine Happy Hour

in 1: the podcast: In times of need and uncertainty, we turn to our friends for comfort, so it only made sense that we gathered a slew of friends of the pod to come together for a Quarantine episode of the podcast. Joining Cory for a Friday night drink is Buist Bickley, Darron West, Caite Hevner, Beowulf Boritt, Jason Lyons, Jen Caprio, Jen Schriever, Jason Lyons and Bradley King. Everyone shared how they are coping with the new normal caused by Covid-19 and how it’s taking its toll on everyone’s personal and professional lives


Alexa Janoschka said...

Ok, when you post these podcast how long do you expect us to listen? I will try to listen to at least 6 minutes but we all know that I did not listen to this whole podcast for the newsfeed article (I did find some other podcast from this site that I did listen to fully but it wasn’t about the corona, I hear enough about this outbreak) A lot of what they talked about (I listened from 20 minutes) was where people were when the situation ramped up more and more. It was interesting to hear about New York (since New York is really bad right now) Now did I not connect New York and Broadway until listening to this podcast… My brain is not working at the minute (social distancing is doing strange things to my brain) I enjoyed listening to people talk rather than reading about it. I know that we all are saying how depressing the green page is getting because of all the COVID-19 stuff but listening to it was a little easier and hearing the individual stories was nice (like if I am going to hear about Corona this is the way I like to do it on the Newsfeed) I liked the woman that started talking about doing shows in the gap during the recession, she seemed “done” with the whole situation haha. “It is going to impact _____” YES COVID IS GOING TO IMPACT EVERYTHING. Y’all everything is affected by this pandemic (shocker its a pandemic) I think that corona is creating some amazing conversations and making people rethink a lot of the world's problems (its hard but it is necessary) People are getting very inspirational, very sappy, go them

David said...

When I post a video or a Podcast I am hopeful you will consume the whole thing.