CMU School of Drama

Monday, March 30, 2020

All your home's a stage

Performing Arts Feature | Chicago Reader: I'm compiling this list of online theater options on World Theatre Day, which feels more than a little ironic. Theaters all over the world are now shut down for the foreseeable future in light of the COVID-19 disaster.

1 comment:

Alexa Janoschka said...

Now they are calling it the “Covid-19 Disaster” had dent heard that name for it until now. “Live” theater is now recorded and online! How ironic… Maybe theater online will open up a new viewing population, who knows maybe it will bring more people into theaters once they reopen! That would be a great outcome after shut down. Even my high school is reaching out to the community and bringing theater online. They are also asking for donations because they are a public school and losing a lot of money now that they had to postpone (maybe cancel) the final spring musical. I found the 30 plays in 60 minutes' idea a cool way to view theater! And how you have control of what plays you get to see. And the story about the tallest goldfish is very wholesome and now I want to see that play!!! “Teenage Dick” when I read that I tried to imagine dick as a teenager, I don’t know if I was successful in my brain’s rendering but at least I tired. I also forgot that there are some theatery type things on Netflix. To be honest, though I am not looking for a theater fix at the moment. I haven’t spent a lot of time during this outbreak to look at social media or watch movies or youtube (I am surprised with myself, what kind of teenager am I?) This was just a compilation of thoughts that I had while reading through this article. I jump around quite a bit.