CMU School of Drama

Monday, March 23, 2020

With Covid-19 Closing Theaters, This Distributor Is Taking the Movie-Going Experience Online Movie theaters worldwide have been shuttering in the wake of the novel coronavirus outbreak since there—understandably—aren’t a lot of butts in seats between limitations on public gatherings, mandatory quarantines, and widespread adoption of social distancing practices. Several major studios such as Disney and Universal have partially solved their half of the problem by bringing their films to streaming services or postponing theatrical releases, but analysts predict that diminished box office returns could total a $5 billion loss for the industry.

1 comment:

Emily Brunner (Bru) said...

It is really interesting to see how creative people can be during times of hardship. It is understandable that for some movie theaters, the pandemic and the subsequent shutting down of non-essential businesses are their worst nightmare. However, the innovation that comes with the loss of movie theater screening is quite neat. For many indie filmmakers, they do not have the capacity to stream their films on online streaming services, such as Netflix or Disney Plus that other, larger film companies can do, like Disney and Universal. The creation of Kino Now is quite amazing and a lifesaver for these indie artists. It also helps save some physical movie theater companies as well. Kino Now partners with physical movie theaters to create virtual screening rooms for guests and sell tickets to these rooms, thus generating some much-needed money for both enterprises. It is also a nice option for those who cannot or do not want to get the popular streaming services to watch new movies. I wonder if this new technology will transform the movie going experience forever, or if movie theaters will continue to survive after the pandemic.