CMU School of Drama

Monday, March 23, 2020

Olympics Organizers Mull Postponement of Tokyo 2020 Games

Variety: The IOC said Sunday that it will mull scenarios that “relate to modifying existing operational plans for the Games to go ahead on 24 July 2020, and also for changes to the start date of the Games.” Still, the group said that “a cancellation of the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 would not solve any of the problems or help anybody. Therefore, cancellation is not on the agenda.”


Alexa Janoschka said...

I completely forgot that the Olympics are this year! Yeah, that's a pretty big event… wonder how that is gonna play out. I get that the Olympic committee is trying to avoid canceling but the quotes that they used in this article makes them sound like the event is better than any other industry’s event. Everyone and every industry is having and will continue to make sacrifices in this crisis. Who knows how this situation is going to pan out over the next few weeks and/or months but I don’t see this situation getting better before the games. I am not the most read up on the corona situation in Asia but from what I do know, Japan is not a safer country (but it is everywhere at this point sooooooo… Greenland) Haha I’m sure that everyone knows that as long as corona doesn’t reach Greenland, humanity isn’t doomed (you’re cool if you know why that is funny). Corona is changing a lot and is going to change the world (things aren’t just going to settle back the way they were before) This outbreak is changing the world which is 1) fascinating and 2) very scary.
In conclusion, people are going to lose money. Industries are going to lose money, schedules are going to change, industries are going to have to make tough decisions, and things are going to change drastically (short and longterm) this is a wakeup call for humanity and everyone on the planet. There are bigger things in the world than events and entertainment and I for one am happy to see that everyone is having to rethink what we value and what is important (they some think that their weekly sports are more important than the wellbeing of thousands of players and fans alike) If this comment gets read I am requesting that there be some articles not about the coronavirus… I get that it is an important topic but I also feel that, I won’t speak for others, I am being suffocated and that sometimes we need a break from it. It's important to be aware, but it is also important to keep a variety in what information we are consuming and try to keep our minds engaged in different topics.

Elizabeth Purnell said...

I woke up today to a notification from Apple News that the Tokyo Summer Olympics had officially been postponed until summer 2021. Now, reading this article, which was written before this official news had been shared, I realize the implications of such a major event being postponed. Of course I am aware how many organizations and planning goes into such an international event like the Olympics, but I forgot all about the fact that businesses like Comcast relied on these major events to gain subscribers. Of course, postponing the Olympics makes the most sense for everyone’s safety - but now that this major athletic milestone has been moved, this (as the article also mentions) will alter the timelines for training and other events. I was just thinking about this the other morning, but COVID-19 has really made the world stop. It has shown who can be resilient and who can not. I know that this postponing will only make the next year more significant, but I do want to send my support to everyone disappointed by this news.