CMU School of Drama

Friday, March 24, 2023

What Is to Be Done 2.0: Some Notes on Theatre in a Time of Climate Crisis

AMERICAN THEATRE: Of the the handful of books I have written, there is a part of me that sincerely hopes my new book, Staging the End of the World; Theatre in a Time of Climate Crisis, will become completely obsolete. Should some wayward reader from the future stumble upon it in the bowels of a library, I hope they’ll simply laugh and say, “A book on plays about the end of the world? What a preposterous subject. The world is fine. We have righted our ecological wrongs. All is now well with Planet Earth. We’ve no need for such antiquated apocalyptic hand wringing.”

1 comment:

Hailey Garza said...

This article was very deep and interesting (though a tiny bit hard to read at 10am after only getting a few hours of sleep). Though the main point of the article was about the climate crisis and what can be done in theatre, I found it able to apply to so many areas. When the article talks about preaching to the choir, I found that to be applicable to many areas of just general life. We as theatre artists can choose to tell and story, both real and imaginative, whenever and wherever we want. I do think a show about the climate crisis would be so interesting. It gives an eerie feeling but at the same time, a message of inspiration to change. As someone who believes that the best art form of all time is theatre, telling stories that empower people to change can be highly impactful.