CMU School of Drama

Friday, March 24, 2023

The Guardian view on female costume designers: film’s real superheroes

Editorial | The Guardian: The film awards season, which culminated in the Oscars last Sunday, often seems to be a red-carpet stroll for fashion designers in search of mass-marketing breaks. But within the films themselves, clothes have a more serious role that is rarely given the attention it deserves.


Rayya Gracy said...

I love the amount of respect and admiration this article expressed on women costume designers. I feel like many individuals who work backstage are consistently overlooked. Especially those within the costume area because of the fact that it is such a highly female dominated art form. Which is also why not much respect and money has been given to the members of the costume industry. customers honors, have such an amazing gift to transform these actors in to completely new people. And our tasked with ensuring that the audience is consistently believing that these are not just actors, but they are also one with the story and are also living through these people. Costumers are the visionaries and the influencers of how we perceive and interpret those around us. Being tasked with portraying an entire person is truly a hard thing to accomplish and takes time and practice to master. So I really admire designers such as Ruth Carter for her outstanding ability to capture a persons identity so perfectly.

Sydney de Haan said...

I love that this article is highlighting female costume designers. The entire field of costume design tends to be viewed as a a traditional feminine field. People some times look down on our industry because its mostly women who work in it from the biggest designers to the more important stickers who make our designs a reality. I think that its great that this article brings up Ruth Carter and her work in the black panther franchise because she was able to take on the impossible task of figuring out what a nation influenced by all corners of Africa would look like. She had to try and represent people from all across a vast continent and make it seem like all the people could live in one country. She then has to do this again n the second movie with the aztec inspired under water nation. The amount of important true research that goes into this is in credible.