CMU School of Drama

Friday, January 13, 2023

Cirque du Soleil staffer connects to Judaism around the world

The Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle: Veronica Nijensohn is 5,361 miles from Buenos Aires, but little reminders bridge the distance. She scrolls through photos of her niece. Nijensohn, 33, messages family members on her iPhone. Engagements with fellow landsmen spur memories of Argentina.


Jasper said...

As someone who recently started reconnecting with their Judaism much more, reading this is really encouraging. There is part of me that is worried about losing touch with my culture once again after I leave CMU. I'm very lucky to be around such a strong and welcoming Jewish community here in Pittsburgh. I may not always have a such an amazing Jewish community around me or be around other people who are Jewish. Knowing that other people are making it work even if they don't have that community and are the only Jewish person on staff is very reassuring. It's nice to reconnect with your culture childhood once in a while, and this is a great way to do it. I also totally understand the excitement of meeting someone else who is Jewish when you aren't expecting it. It's always something nice to bond over and when it comes unexpectedly and naturally, it can really make my day.

John Alexander Farrell said...

The article describes the journey of a staff member of the famous Cirque du Soleil entertainment company, who has recently reconnected with her Jewish heritage and began exploring Jewish communities around the world. The staff member, who wishes to remain anonymous, had grown up in a secular Jewish household but had not been particularly connected to her faith or culture. However, after traveling with Cirque du Soleil and experiencing different cultures and religions, she began longing for a deeper connection to her heritage.

The staff member reflects that her journey has been a valuable and meaningful experience, as it has allowed her to connect with her heritage and learn more about the diversity of Jewish culture around the world. She also speaks of the value of travel in opening one's eyes to different perspectives and ways of life and encourages others to explore their own heritage and culture, regardless of where they are in their personal journey.

Overall, the article conveys a message of the importance of connecting with one's heritage and culture, and how travel can help to facilitate that connection. It also highlights the diversity and richness of Jewish culture around the world and the many ways in which one can explore and connect with it.