CMU School of Drama

Friday, January 27, 2023

NY Lawmakers, AG Warn MSG Over its Continued Ban of Lawyers Madison Square Garden and its CEO James Dolan continued to defy growing calls for it to stand down with its policy banning lawyers representing clients in litigation against it, despite new pressure from lawmakers and state Attorney General Letitia James this week.


Alex Reinard said...

Until now, I wasn't aware of this ongoing issue between Madison Square Garden and lawyers. At first I didn't realize that MSG was literally banning lawyers from entering. The details that the article provides are just unreal, and I have so many questions. Why are they using facial recognition technology specifically? How does MSG have the faces of all of the lawyers? Why isn't MSG even backing down? I wish the article said whether or not it was only the lawyers working on cases against MSG that were banned, or if all lawyers at the firm are banned automatically. I don't really understand why sporting events aren't included on the current legislation that restricts organizations from barring access to ticketholders. In my opinion, MSG is just digging itself into a deeper hole by defending itself. The quote about urging representatives to focus on quality of life issues is crazy. I'm interested in seeing the outcome of this, hopefully sooner rather than later.

Katie Welker said...

It seems like Madison Square Garden has stepped up to a whole new level of petty, if you ask me. This is such a wild move for them, or really any venue, to make. The fact that they basically are just saying if you are working against us in any way, then you can not see anything in our space. And that is such a move. Is it good? Is it bad? I do not know, but I am sure we will find out. I can not imagine how upsetting it would be to have already bought your tickets for a show or event at Madison Square Garden and not be able to go in just because of where you work. It must have really really sucked for the person mentioned in the article who could not get into the venue with the group of girl scouts they were chaperoning. I am interested in seeing how this is handled as time goes on.