CMU School of Drama

Friday, January 27, 2023

Pittsburgh duo slowdanger continues dance series with memory 7: farthest field

Pittsburgh City Paper: The Pittsburgh duo slowdanger has, over the past several years, unfolded a story through movement. The latest chapter of that story, titled the memory series, will play out at The Space Upstairs.


Jackson Underwood said...

I am very interested in dance as an artform despite not having much experience outside of hip hop. I love when choreographers and performers can bring nuanced stories to life through only movement, especially when incorporated into theatre. I love how Taylor Knight and Anna Thompson compared their creative process to a construction zone. I very much relate to myself. Often, in my own creative process, I find myself tripping over ideas and it feels very chaotic, but eventually it all comes together. I especially feel that when I’m dancing. For me it’s about more than just committing the moves to muscle memory and perfecting them. Even in hop hop, I think it's important for everyone to have their own style and find the story that they want to convey through the choreo. I love how Memory 7 is described to be enhanced but not overpowered by technical elements like set and lighting design. They can really use these elements to their advantage to achieve their goal of obscuring and abstracting the body.

Ava Notarangelo said...

Dance has always been a huge part of my life, but as I've grown older, my taste in the pieces that I enjoy watching has definitely changed. When I was younger, I would only really enjoy watching fun upbeat pieces even though I would participate in Pre ballet classes a few times a week. at the beginning of my teenage years, I began to enjoy ballet pieces more, as I would often obsess over classical variations on YouTube, or watch corps pieces in my free time. Once I hit around 15 or 16, my obsession with contemporary pieces to abstract classical music truly began. I don't really know where this came from ( it was probably because of the one and only professional contemporary dance company on Maui), but I've had this Obsession ever since ( along with my obsession for Classical Ballet pieces as well). Seeing how these creative contemporary pieces are made has always been super interesting to me, and I'm glad that I begin to understand the process and how to create pieces like these on my own.