CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, February 02, 2022

Broadway Week Extends Through February 27th NYC & Company, New York City's official destination marketing organization and convention and visitors bureau, today announced the extension of NYC Broadway Week 2-for-1 tickets to 15 participating shows for an additional two weeks, through February 27.

1 comment:

John Alexander Farrell said...

Hurray to making theatre accessible. Through New York City Broadway Week’s extension of 2 for 1 ticket, XYZ. Said two-week promotion period was supposed to end on February 13th. However, members of New York City’s official destination marketing organization and convention and visitor bureau have accounted for its extension. Thinking about a few of the challenges theatre currently faces (and the journey I personally believe theatre should embark upon) I truly believe that making theatre more accessible is key. I mean, theatre (especially on Broadway) is incredibly classist. Those who attend performances are members of the population that can afford high ticket prices. Now, don’t get me wrong, I understand making theatre is expensive and enough money must be made to pay individual wages and, because Broadway is ultimately a business, make a profit. But sadly, this comes at a cost of excluding a certain number of potential audience members based on, once again, expensive ticket prices.