CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Conversation as Art

TCG Circle: It’s June 20th, our third night in Toronto. The connectivity in the Buddies in Bad Times Theatre (BIBTT) space is out of control. All of us are paired off and scattered throughout this bright cavernous space like glitter. Five intergenerational queer artists from About Face Theatre (AFT) in Chicago and 22 from Buddies in Bad Times Theatre (BIBT) in Toronto. We are about halfway through our three-hour international queer youth theatre exchange (the first-ever international queer youth theatre exchange).

1 comment:

Camille Rohrlich said...

This idea that Western thought is centered around the self and Eastern thought around the interaction is so interesting, because it doesn't only affect art, as mentioned in this article, but also some basic concepts at the core of a society's culture. Too often we forget how different other cultures might be from ours, and I love reminders like these that differing points of view about a topic can shed light on a different notion of identity and social relations that is the norm for an entire culture.
I think that enlightening conversations like this one where a true connection occurs and allows for a transformation of thought and perspective can definitely be considered art. After all, a book, a play or a poem aren't much different from a conversation: it's the use of language to create a text that holds a specific meaning based on context and intent. So, yeah. Art.