CMU School of Drama

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Turn on and tune in to 'Hair'

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review: "In the beginning, the motivation to create 'Hair' was surprisingly ordinary. 'I had always wanted to write a Broadway musical,' says Jim Rado, who created the book and lyrics for 'Hair' with Gerome Ragni. 'We wrote it specifically for Broadway theater.'

1 comment:

hmiura1 said...

I had the pleasure of seeing both the Broadway and the national tour of this production, and both times, I left the theater feeling inspired. While I did have some moments of confusion regarding some references that seem rather historic today (such as the "be-ins"), the message of the show is still timelessly relevant to people of all ages. The reason why it still resonates with the audience today probably has to do with the very loose structure of the show, and the blatant breaking of the fourth wall, allowing the audience to truly feel like they are a part of the "tribe". This article was rather interesting by explaining the actual meaning/relevancy of those terms that otherwise would go over the audience's heads.