CMU School of Drama

Friday, November 17, 2017

Why Men Aren’t Funny

The New York Times: If November 2016 was a study in anguish for many, November 2017 is a study in contrasts. (Well, and anguish.) At the very time when, it seems, Americans have finally begun to take sexual predation seriously and impose meaningful consequences on men who abuse their power, the far right has shot off in the opposite direction like a dog with a ham in its mouth.

1 comment:

Sarah Battaglia said...

I read this article right when it came out and I think it really examines the way that we see comedy and what we can do to make comedy a more welcoming environment. I love stand up, I always have, but a few weeks ago I realized that I never watch women. Every time I want to laugh I turn on my computer open up netflix and look for a man. Now I am aware that there are more men in the field so it is easier to find a man then a woman, but none the less I realized that I almost never watch women do stand up. This is cultural misogyny that is everywhere. I am a huge fighter for equality and for women to be taken seriously and here I am with this very very typical bias toward male comedians. One of the most heart breaking things about educating yourself on any sort of social injustice whether it be gender, race, or sexual orientation is that even though you believe the right thing, you are contributing to the wrong thing. As I read more and learn more about sexual assault I realize that I was complicit sometimes when I saw my male friends do thing that were wrong. Does that make me a bad person? No. But it does make me a part of the toxic culture we live in. John Stewart is one of my favorite people on this planet, I think he is a kind soul and a hilarious man, but he knew things, and he didn't stop them. He's not evil, but he contributed to the culture, and that is what needs to change. It is great to see all these assholes lose their careers but if they culture stays stagnant there is only going to be temporary improvement.