CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Why Aaron Sorkin refused to write a crude Nicole Kidman sex scene Here's a prime example of how sexual harassment can be baked into the filmmaking experience.

Aaron Sorkin, speaking to USA TODAY about his directorial debut, Molly’s Game (in select theaters Dec. 25), starring Jessica Chastain, recalled the way he was once asked to script a Nicole Kidman sex scene for 1993’s Malice.

1 comment:

Drew H said...

Aaron Sorkin continues to impress me every time he is in the news. It is no surprise that a guy who can write such intelligent and wonderful scripts has such a well aligned moral standing. It is refreshing to hear of a good guy in Hollywood in relation to all the sexual misconduct and assault that has been front and center for the past couple months. There are quite a lot of films out there with these sensitive scenes and I never really thought about the process of writing them. If you think the scene is necessary for the story telling, that is one thing, if you add it for the sake of selling tickets, that is something else and is not OK. If you write a scene thinking about the character and what you need to see the character do, that is one thing, if you write a scene thinking about what you want to see the actor/actress do that is something else and that is not OK.