CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

How to Paint IKEA Furniture

Family Handyman: IKEA is a DIYers dream. There are so many IKEA hacks out there, from adding peel and stick wallpaper to creative assembly to fit your needs. But one thing’s clear: We love adding our own personality to IKEA furniture. One way to do that is with a splash of paint.

1 comment:

Abigail Lytar said...

My first impression is that customizing IKEA furniture is a great idea. I feel like many people overlook this option as they just do not think about it or they just do not want the hassle. However, this article truly simplifies the process into 6 easy steps. I think the most interesting part of the article is that it recommended a putty knife to open the box, prior to reading it, I had never thought to use that. I agree that painting before assembling the furniture is the best option for those looking for a clean total coverage paint job, having to assemble the furniture is an added step many people chose to avoid. When refurnishing, painting or finishing something, sanding should always be your first step, because it almost guarantees a clean paint job. The article says you could skip this step however I would say not to as not sanding can lead to flaws. The article goes on to tell you the best primer and adds some helpful information about priming over the current colors while offering information on brushes. The only thing I would add to the furniture sealant section is that, if you are making something that is meant to have liquids on it you may want to go with an oil based polyurethane as it will keep the water out of your product more effectively than its water based form. All around I found the article to be a helpful piece on customizing your own furniture.