CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Paid Internships Key to Expanding Industry Talent Pool

Variety: On the heels of Oscar night, I applaud the broad Asian representation among the winners and am particularly in awe of Michelle Yeoh, who made history as the first Asian woman to win the Academy Award for best actress. While this is welcome progress, we are all aware that many extraordinary filmmakers, cinematographers and craftspeople from underrepresented backgrounds remain undiscovered because they don’t have the right opportunity to break into the industry.

1 comment:

Carly Tamborello said...

I like how in this article, the internships being paid is a given – there is no question about whether or not unpaid internships provide the same access, because obviously they don’t. There’s this idea that any internship or any foot in the door is good, but that still is bad for accessibility because some people can’t afford to work for no pay (and shouldn’t anyway), so what should be an opportunity instead becomes an obstacle. Investment in learning, and allowing that learning to happen on the job, is so important. Theatre and film are so hands on that you can talk about how it works for years, and still learn more in the ten minutes you spend actually doing the work yourself. So much is based on quick decision making, working under pressure, and muscle memory. To get good, you need experience, which leads to being hired more in the future.