CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Toronto’s Next Gen Theatre Makers Are Looking For Answers to Big Questions When I thought about why I wanted to write this article, a simple, almost childlike thought came to mind: because I’m downright giddy that Toronto theatres have reopened. And what’s most exciting is that my fellow “emerging” artists are starting to…well, merge.

1 comment:

Sukie Wang said...

Before anything else, I’m really happy to see that Canadian theatrical arts has been talked about more often recently and that more attention has been given to it. For this article, it is interesting in how it talked about face to face is a meaningful and effective way to communicate. In this fast speed world where everything is based on the internet and texting, it is hard for me, someone who is bad with internet culture and texting, to effectively communicate with other people. Through this, for me, talking to someone face to face does not only help me to engage in the conversation more, it also benefits me in ways such as being able to hear their tone when they are talking. The mention of theatrical art getting lost is also an interesting and important topic to me. During pandemics, designers in theaters did lose their job and lost many audiences.