CMU School of Drama

Monday, January 16, 2023

LDI 2022

Control Geek: After going every LDI from 1990 to 2009 (three part writeup of that 2009 show here), it’s hard for me to believe that it had been 13 years since I had attended, and also four years since I had been in Vegas. But I’m really glad I took a break from my crazy, last burn out semester at CityTech and flew out to Vegas (with a stop in Denver to see David Byrne’s Theater of the Mind, more on that in a separate post). The show is what brings everyone together, but it’s the socializing and running into old friends in the aisles that makes these experiences so special; Herrick Goldman’s Evoke Collaborative dinner is always a highlight of these things too, and I was honored to be invited


Jessica Williams said...

This entire convention looks so incredibly interesting. I only heard about LDI for the first time last year but it instantly seemed unbelievably cool and engaging. I grew up in a community theatre in the boondocks of Texas so I am still wowed by even just LED lights, color scrollers, and DMX controlled hazers, not to mention movers, which to me are the zenith of theatre technology, so the idea of going to such a high tech and innovation heavy convention with such integral industry leaders is so incredibly compelling.Additionally, the fact that it is in Las Vegas is extremely cool as I have never been and it would, in fact, be the furthest west I have ever been in my life. It is also such a huge center for the entertainment industry I think it makes a lot of sense that it is centered there. I can only hope that someday I may be able to attend.

Hailey Garza said...

I wanted to go to LDI this past year so badly! Even though I’ve only been doing theatre for three years, I somehow know a lot of lighting folks and really wanted to go network and connect at LDI. It’s such a great place to see old friends and meet new people. It is like my actual heaven. There are so many cool things to see, and so many lights. As a future lighting designer, I love going to conventions like these. I attended a Clearwing Expo before covid and it was awesome, and LDI is just like that but on a way bigger scale! This year in 2023 I definitely plan on going to LDI. From what I’ve seen, LDI is supposed to be during the first few days of playground, so the School of Drama schedule is working in my favor. Hopefully I will be able to attend this amazing convention every year of my career.

Gemma said...

LDI sounds like such a cool conference - and I’d love to go and hope I do soon, preferably more than once! Seeing the cutting edge of lighting and entertainment technology sounds like such an incredible opportunity and experience. I had never seen or heard of half of the sound, video and lighting technology at CMU when I showed up, forget what is shown here. Just scrolling through this article and seeing some of the technology is kind of mind-blowing. The Minuit Une IVL Photon, for example, just from the specs and videos in the article and on their website is so cutting edge, and so, just cool. The use of laser illuminations to make such exact areas of lighting would be so interesting to include in a theatrical piece or an entertainment setting. Seeing technology as advanced as this just causes me to dream up what it could be used for - I’m really hoping I get to work with something like it at some point. Seeing so much innovation in Networking and Show Control is also really interesting - so excited to see what future conferences bring!