CMU School of Drama

Friday, March 12, 2021

"Are We Really Non-Essential?" Sidelined Performing Arts Industry Questions Govt As Other Businesses Reopen [OPINION]

TRP: I am happy to see more & more industries given the green light in opening up under revised SOPs. I hope that the #rakyat will follow through, be aware that our incompetence will lead to higher risk and we need to be vigilant in practising SOPs.


Ariel Bernhard said...

I personally will not speak directly on who I think is essential versus non essential. I will say that being told you’re non essential in any industry, but especially in a creative one, is a huge blow. It is made worse by seeing that contact sports are being allowed to carry on, while there are certain precautions, it does hurt. Even some school sports are allowed but many of those same schools won’t even let their performing students perform in person even if they did not have an audience and distanced from each other. Everyone has to struggle through this together but it can be hard to just sit and listen. The creative industries and many of its members have often been told that their passion could never be a career, so this is an even harder blow. I hope as many people as possible have been able to make their way through this somehow.

Jonas Harrison said...

This is such an interesting article to me, because when discussing the impacts of the pandemic I feel as though the people around me and I often get wrapped up into only discussing America, because it is both topical and all we know. So, to hear another country also struggling with the same moral debates that we do is interesting. The added element of needing their country’s approval is also a staggering measure to comprehend. I imagine it is so difficult to walk the line between reopening because the country implies you are able to, but not knowing for sure if the country will approve of those actions with the danger of the pandemic looming. This is also an interesting article because the same thing seems to be happening here in America. Frustration is expressed at the fact that schools are reopening, which is also going to take place here only a little bit into the future, despite a lack of sufficient measures to deliver the vaccine. This article serves as a reminder that like it or not, the pandemic is a universal problem that we are all experiencing.