CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Leisure experiences post COVID | a new era for attractions

blooloop: The pandemic has unequivocally transformed the leisure and entertainment industry. Despite the overall impact on the travel and tourism sectors, the leisure and entertainment industry was able to bounce back, navigating a rapidly changing environment and quickly adapting to important shifts in consumer behaviour.


Alexa Janoschka said...

This year I wouldn’t personally spend money on in-person entertainment and interaction. I get that these industries have to stay afloat and props to them for doing that during a pandemic. I am still very hopeful for the future and the vaccines that are rolling out. Reading the section about human interrelation is so important. I really connected with the author writing about being tired of living through posting. I would love to be making memories rather than keeping people updated through a computer screen, but I am staying optimistic for the future. The world is confusing lol. I think it's going to be funny to look back on these Newsfeeds one day and just laugh at how CONFUSED everyone is. We are all trying our best to predict the future and everyone is itching to get back to a world without COVID restrictions. I think that an important point they made was that mental health is a priority because this year has been tough on everyone in that regard!

Ariel Bernhard said...

I think that the pandemic is going to bring a shift away from interactive touch experiences and displays. Those were fun, but often questionable from a cleanileness perspective. I do not think though that the pandemic has slowed demand for themed entertainment in or out of the house. I think the closures increased the demand, especially with people not leaving their houses and becoming desperate for something different. I do not know that this was necessarily the best timing to reopen when they did, but I am glad at least that it has been a good escape for the guests and that some were able to keep their jobs. I do think that more should have been able, but I am glad to see companies continuing to call people back. These theme parks internationally seem really cool and I hope that I am able to check them out one day or at least can get a virtual look in modern day.

Jin Oh said...

I want to say that we are currently (and hopefully) in the later half rather than the earlier half of the whole COVID incident. I am glad that the articles that actually discuss their industry after COVID are slowly appearing. I liked this article as it seemed like they evaluate and proposed the policies with a great balance, not too optimistically, but not too pessimistically either. I like how they emphasized the significance of human connection and what meaning that it possesses with regard to leisure experiences. One of the curiosities is if the theatrical performances within the thematic parks, such as night-time parades, will come back right away along with the attractions. I think it would be very awkward to see the performers with their masks on and it would lessen the amusement of the whole experience. On the other hand I know there are a lot of people goes to amusement park for that experience...

Megan Hanna said...

Honestly the idea of post covid experiences centered around affordability as well as physical and mental wellness is a step in the right direction. It’s really crazy to think how much the pandemic has had an affect on how we consume entertainment. I’m sure I’m not alone when I bring up the fact that I feel weird when I see large crowds of people or people at a bar in movies. I feel like they should all be wearing masks and be far away from each other even though it was filmed 20 years ago. I can’t even imagine enjoying some of the live experiences I used to do the same way because now I’m so concerned about cleanliness. There is something about going to a waterpark that just doesn’t sit right with me any more even though they pump so many chemicals in the water to keep it as sanitary as necessary.

Mattox S. Reed said...

I think everyone is currently talking about all the right things with the focus on social distancing and health. But that being said I wonder how long those focus stand for companies. I think people are at a point where they are willing to let others dictate what is and isn’t safe for them. As soon as companies start realizing or more likely exploiting this fact I think people’s health will be less and less of a priority as companies try to cover all of their losses from the past 14 months. I think everyone will be accepting of whatever is decided as post covid regulations and procedures but as I said I still feel that companies will still have different and varying levels based off of what they think their clientele will accept as safe as long as there aren’t true regulations agreed upon by all parties, companies, governments, and health officials that is.