CMU School of Drama

Monday, November 09, 2020

Elation rig lights virtual live event experience like no other Livestream performance producers VYE have collaborated with Clair Global and production company GENETIC Productions to create a unique pay-per-view live stream performance space at Clair Global’s facility in Nashville that has redefined the live stream experience.

1 comment:

DJ L. said...

This looks like an awesome project. On top of that, it is always fun to see a some what local company in the mix. Clair Global is a company that specializes in unique audio setups for any event and is partially based out of the Rock Lititz campus in Lititz, Pennsylvania. Just last year I was able to attend a "career day" at the Rock Lititz campus where Clair Global was one of the presenting companies. For this event, every company involved seemed to do what they do best. GENETIC Productions worked with American DJ and Elation to secure the lights for the event while Clair Global dealt with all things sound. While I love reading these article after the fact, I wish there was a better way to know about these things before they happen as I know that I would have no doubt paid to watch this event live.