CMU School of Drama

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The film crews being directed from a continent away

BBC News: In a production studio in Kiev, Ukraine, a film director sits in front of a computer screen and yells, "Action!" Some 7,500 km (4,660 miles) away in Shanghai, China, his assistant relays the message to the crew filming a TV advertisement for Mercedes-Benz. Meanwhile, in Germany, executives from the carmaker are watching on in real time.

1 comment:

Alexander Friedland said...

This is such a cool article! I love how connected we can be and also the logistical challenges for intercountry work seems very exciting. One large question I have from this is how these companies negotiate time zones? Is all work done in one time zone where the production company is homed or do people agree on a certain set of hours? Another large question is what does remote production work do to the budget? Is the spread of equipment cheaper than the flights? A final question that branches off of expenses is how do companies deal with internet speeds/who is paying for internet upgrade if it is needed as people can use this high-speed internet for personal use but it also might be necessary for school. One issue about remote production that the article hinted at is the balance between work and home. A lot of people are dealing with living and working in the same space and I wonder if this production company does anything to help people deal with this. It seems like remote production before was used to help people not have sick days as they could remote in but is that healthy?