CMU School of Drama

Friday, July 19, 2019

Sony's copyright bots remove a band's own release of its new video

Boing Boing: The Sheffield-based experimental music act 65daysofstatic has a new album coming out in September, called "Replicr, 2019." Today, the band began its launch publicity by releasing a video from the album, only to have the video blocked on multiple services by copyright bots working on behalf of Sony, which distributed the band's label, Superball.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think that its crazy how this filtering system blocks people’s own content. I personally don’t blame Sony for this since it is the algorithm that they use which blocks the content and this computer system probably has some flaws. If Sony is working to improve their algorithm so this does not happen in the future, then they should not be blamed for this incident. I think that in the meantime, when someone’s content gets unfairly blocked like what was described in the article, they should have a way to prove that it is their content so it can be fairly uploaded. Maybe this could be done by having the band contact Sony so they can prove that it is their own song. I think that the algorithm probably does more good than harm but a lot of what it shared in these articles are the bad things that it does and this might not be fair for Sony.