CMU School of Drama

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

6 Things Dance Majors Should Do To Prepare for Graduation

Dance Magazine: As graduation day looms, college seniors might find themselves reeling with both excitement and dread. "They have to navigate this tender moment where they're opening their wings and about to jump out of the dance department and wondering if the ground is going to catch them," says Courtney Harris, interim chair of the dance and choreography department at Virginia Commonwealth University. Today's job market is no cakewalk, but there are meaningful steps that students can take throughout college to make the transition easier.

1 comment:

Ava Notarangelo said...

Before having even any clue what I wanted to do with my life, dance with something that had been a pretty big constant for a pretty long time and although I wasn't entirely the best at it it was still a thought for what I'd like my career path to be. Dance is an amazing way to express yourself and requires an insane amount of technique and dedication but I don't think it's something that I would entirely be able to sustain My Lifestyle with. being surrounded by performers at the school I definitely understand why needing to prepare for graduation as a performer is important but I also understand why people feel the same as design and production Majors as well. even thinking about it now graduating and having to launch myself into the industry is a very scary thought and I'm not sure when or if I'll be ready for digesting that thought